Best sources of 20:0
Food Group(s):
Nutrient: items per page:
The following quantities (column two below) indicate how much 20:0 is found in 100 grams (about 3 1/2 ounces) of the following food items:
    fdc idcategorydata type
select1.944GNuts, macadamia nuts, dry roasted, with salt added168598Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select1.944GNuts, macadamia nuts, dry roasted, without salt added170179Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select1.94GNuts, macadamia nuts, raw170178Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select1.877GChocolate-flavored hazelnut spread168000Sweetssr_legacy_food
select1.4GOil, peanut, salad or cooking171410Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.727GOil, industrial, canola with antifoaming agent, principal uses salads, woks and light frying172358Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.727GOil, industrial, canola for salads, woks and light frying172359Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.719GPeanut butter, smooth style, without salt172470Legumes and Legume Productssr_legacy_food
select.674GOil, vegetable, Natreon canola, high stability, non trans, high oleic (70%)171033Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.673GOil, industrial, canola, high oleic171042Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.668GPeanuts, all types, oil-roasted, without salt175258Legumes and Legume Productssr_legacy_food
select.668GPeanuts, all types, oil-roasted, with salt174261Legumes and Legume Productssr_legacy_food
select.641GOil, industrial, canola (partially hydrogenated) oil for deep fat frying172360Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.64GPeanut butter, chunk style, without salt172469Legumes and Legume Productssr_legacy_food
select.64GPeanut butter, chunk style, with salt174265Legumes and Legume Productssr_legacy_food
select.615GOil, corn and canola169867Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.614GPeanut Butter, smooth (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program)174294Legumes and Legume Productssr_legacy_food
select.579GPeanut butter with omega-3, creamy172471Legumes and Legume Productssr_legacy_food
select.575GPeanuts, all types, dry-roasted, with salt174262Legumes and Legume Productssr_legacy_food
select.575GPeanuts, all types, dry-roasted, without salt173806Legumes and Legume Productssr_legacy_food
select.553GBaking chocolate, unsweetened, squares167568Sweetssr_legacy_food
select.434GMargarine, 80% fat, tub, CANOLA HARVEST Soft Spread (canola, palm and palm kernel oils)171432Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.431GOil, corn, industrial and retail, all purpose salad or cooking171029Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.428GShortening, vegetable, household, composite173584Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.414GOil, olive, salad or cooking171413Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.408GChocolate, dark, 70-85% cacao solids170273Sweetssr_legacy_food
select.406GCandies, honey-combed, with peanut butter167546Sweetssr_legacy_food
select.402GOil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated), multiuse for non-dairy butter flavor172361Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.4GNuts, mixed nuts, dry roasted, with peanuts, without salt added170585Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select.398GSnacks, shrimp cracker173160Snackssr_legacy_food
select.392GShortening, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ) and corn for frying173606Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.384GOil, industrial, soy, low linolenic171438Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.384GOil, industrial, soy, fully hydrogenated171440Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.384GOil, safflower, salad or cooking, high oleic (primary safflower oil of commerce)171027Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.379GSpices, rosemary, dried171333Spices and Herbssr_legacy_food
select.364GOil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated), principal uses popcorn and flavoring vegetables173596Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.364GChocolate, dark, 60-69% cacao solids170272Sweetssr_legacy_food
select.361GNuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted, with peanuts, lightly salted169427Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select.361GNuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted, with peanuts, with salt added168600Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select.361GOil, soybean, salad or cooking171411Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.361GNuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted, with peanuts, without salt added170587Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select.36GOil, cooking and salad, ENOVA, 80% diglycerides171433Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.356GMargarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, tub, with salt, with added vitamin D171436Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.356GMargarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, tub, with salt172347Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.354GOil, industrial, soy ( partially hydrogenated), all purpose172362Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.354GOil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated) and cottonseed, principal use as a tortilla shortening172364Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.354GShortening, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated), pourable liquid fry shortening173597Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.354GOil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ), palm, principal uses icings and fillings173604Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.349GCandies, HERSHEYS, PAYDAY Bar170680Sweetssr_legacy_food
select.347GSeeds, sesame seed kernels, dried (decorticated)169412Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select.335GOil, industrial, soy, refined, for woks and light frying173598Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.325GOil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ) and soy (winterized), pourable clear fry172363Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.319GCrackers, whole grain, sandwich-type, with peanut butter filling171855Baked Productssr_legacy_food
select.316GShortening, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ) for baking and confections173607Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.315GCandies, chocolate, dark, NFS (45-59% cacao solids 90%; 60-69% cacao solids 5%; 70-85% cacao solids 5%)170274Sweetssr_legacy_food
select.312GSeeds, hemp seed, hulled170148Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select.308GChocolate, dark, 45- 59% cacao solids170271Sweetssr_legacy_food
select.3GOil, industrial, palm and palm kernel, filling fat (non-hydrogenated)172368Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.297GOil, industrial, mid-oleic, sunflower172357Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.29GNuts, cashew nuts, oil roasted, without salt added170572Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select.29GNuts, cashew nuts, oil roasted, with salt added169422Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select.289GCandies, MARS SNACKFOOD US, TWIX Peanut Butter Cookie Bars168769Sweetssr_legacy_food
select.288GOil, industrial, soy, ultra low linolenic171439Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.284GMargarine, industrial, non-dairy, cottonseed, soy oil (partially hydrogenated ), for flaky pastries173605Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.275GSpices, mustard seed, ground170929Spices and Herbssr_legacy_food
select.274GBacon, turkey, low sodium171640Sausages and Luncheon Meatssr_legacy_food
select.267GCandies, semisweet chocolate167976Sweetssr_legacy_food
select.266GNuts, cashew nuts, raw170162Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select.265GMargarine-like shortening, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated), cottonseed, and soy, principal use flaky pastries173599Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.261GMargarine, 80% fat, stick, includes regular and hydrogenated corn and soybean oils173587Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.261GMargarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, stick, with salt172346Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.261GMargarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, stick, with salt, with added vitamin D171435Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.26GMargarine, industrial, soy and partially hydrogenated soy oil, use for baking, sauces and candy172369Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.258GOil, industrial, palm kernel (hydrogenated), confection fat, uses similar to 95 degree hard butter173601Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.257GMargarine-like, margarine-butter blend, soybean oil and butter172339Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.247GNuts, mixed nuts, dry roasted, with peanuts, salt added, PLANTERS pistachio blend170586Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select.246GMargarine, margarine-like vegetable oil spread, 67-70% fat, tub171431Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.245GMargarine-like spread, SMART BALANCE Omega Plus Spread (with plant sterols & fish oil)173610Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.244GIce cream, lowfat, no sugar added, cone, added peanuts and chocolate sauce170911Dairy and Egg Productssr_legacy_food
select.242GOil, vegetable, soybean, refined172370Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.238GNuts, mixed nuts, dry roasted, with peanuts, salt added, CHOSEN ROASTER170181Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select.233GMargarine-like spread, SMART BALANCE Regular Buttery Spread with flax oil172371Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.232GSalad dressing, mayonnaise, regular171009Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.229GMargarine, margarine-type vegetable oil spread, 70% fat, soybean and partially hydrogenated soybean, stick173588Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.229GNuts, pine nuts, dried170591Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select.229GCandies, milk chocolate coated coffee beans169637Sweetssr_legacy_food
select.216GSeeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, roasted, without salt170557Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select.216GSeeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, roasted, with salt added169415Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select.212GSeeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, dried170556Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select.211GMargarine-like, vegetable oil spread, 60% fat, tub, with salt173582Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.211GMargarine-like, vegetable oil spread, 60% fat, tub, with salt, with added vitamin D171038Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.208GCandies, milk chocolate, with almonds168754Sweetssr_legacy_food
select.207GOil, industrial, palm kernel (hydrogenated) , used for whipped toppings, non-dairy172366Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.2GSauce, pesto, MEZZETTA, NAPA VALLEY BISTRO, basil pesto, ready-to-serve171185Soups, Sauces, and Graviessr_legacy_food
select.199GCookies, peanut butter, commercially prepared, sugar free171843Baked Productssr_legacy_food
select.195GSalad dressing, caesar dressing, regular169055Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select.193GSpices, cloves, ground171321Spices and Herbssr_legacy_food
select.192GPork, bacon, rendered fat, cooked168324Pork Productssr_legacy_food
select.191GCandies, milk chocolate, with rice cereal168755Sweetssr_legacy_food
select.19GMargarine-like, vegetable oil spread, 60% fat, stick/tub/bottle, with salt173583Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
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