| | | | fdc id | category | data type |
select | 1.6 | G | Sea lion, Steller, meat with fat (Alaska Native) | 169824 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | 1.427 | G | Egg, white, dried, stabilized, glucose reduced | 170895 | Dairy and Egg Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 1.266 | G | Egg, white, dried, powder, stabilized, glucose reduced | 173427 | Dairy and Egg Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 1.2 | G | Sea lion, Steller, kidney (Alaska Native) | 169001 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | 1.181 | G | Egg, white, dried, flakes, stabilized, glucose reduced | 173426 | Dairy and Egg Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 1.116 | G | Soy protein isolate | 174276 | Legumes and Legume Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 1.116 | G | Soy protein isolate, potassium type | 174302 | Legumes and Legume Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 1.097 | G | Seeds, sesame flour, low-fat | 170560 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .929 | G | Seaweed, spirulina, dried | 170495 | Vegetables and Vegetable Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .882 | G | Seeds, sesame flour, partially defatted | 170153 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .835 | G | Soy protein concentrate, produced by alcohol extraction | 172447 | Legumes and Legume Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .835 | G | Soy protein concentrate, produced by acid wash | 174301 | Legumes and Legume Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .797 | G | Whale, beluga, meat, dried (Alaska Native) | 169795 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | .795 | G | Seal, bearded (Oogruk), meat, dried (Alaska Native) | 168020 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | .771 | G | Egg, whole, dried, stabilized, glucose reduced | 173425 | Dairy and Egg Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .762 | G | Winged beans, mature seeds, raw | 174283 | Legumes and Legume Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .752 | G | Seeds, cottonseed flour, low fat (glandless) | 170146 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .747 | G | Tofu, dried-frozen (koyadofu) | 172450 | Legumes and Legume Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .747 | G | Tofu, dried-frozen (koyadofu), prepared with calcium sulfate | 174303 | Legumes and Legume Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .741 | G | Seeds, cottonseed meal, partially defatted (glandless) | 170147 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .735 | G | Seeds, sunflower seed flour, partially defatted | 170156 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .722 | G | Beverages, Protein powder soy based | 173181 | Beverages | sr_legacy_food |
select | .704 | G | Fish, cod, Atlantic, dried and salted | 174190 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .683 | G | Soy flour, defatted | 174275 | Legumes and Legume Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .674 | G | Seeds, sesame flour, high-fat | 170192 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .653 | G | Soy meal, defatted, raw | 172445 | Legumes and Legume Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .625 | G | Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, pancreas, cooked, braised | 168274 | Pork Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .618 | G | Mollusks, whelk, unspecified, cooked, moist heat | 171984 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .618 | G | Seeds, cottonseed flour, partially defatted (glandless) | 170555 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .601 | G | Seal, bearded (Oogruk), meat, partially dried (Alaska Native) | 167650 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | .591 | G | Soybeans, mature seeds, raw | 174270 | Legumes and Legume Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .58 | G | Fish, whitefish, dried (Alaska Native) | 168052 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | .576 | G | Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, dried | 170556 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .575 | G | Soybeans, mature seeds, dry roasted | 172441 | Legumes and Legume Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .574 | G | Meat extender | 174268 | Legumes and Legume Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .569 | G | Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, roasted, without salt | 170557 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .569 | G | Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, roasted, with salt added | 169415 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .56 | G | Cheese, parmesan, shredded | 173431 | Dairy and Egg Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .545 | G | Game meat, elk, cooked, roasted | 175302 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .54 | G | Leavening agents, yeast, baker's, active dry | 175043 | Baked Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .516 | G | Parsley, freeze-dried | 170486 | Vegetables and Vegetable Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .512 | G | Soybeans, mature seeds, roasted, salted | 172440 | Legumes and Legume Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .512 | G | Soybeans, mature seeds, roasted, no salt added | 174300 | Legumes and Legume Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .51 | G | Milk, dry, nonfat, regular, without added vitamin A and vitamin D | 170877 | Dairy and Egg Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .51 | G | Smelt, dried (Alaska Native) | 167654 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | .51 | G | Milk, dry, nonfat, regular, with added vitamin A and vitamin D | 172195 | Dairy and Egg Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .507 | G | Peanut flour, defatted | 174267 | Legumes and Legume Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .506 | G | Soy flour, full-fat, roasted | 174274 | Legumes and Legume Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .502 | G | Soy flour, full-fat, raw | 174273 | Legumes and Legume Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .501 | G | Milk, dry, nonfat, calcium reduced | 171273 | Dairy and Egg Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .495 | G | Milk, dry, nonfat, instant, with added vitamin A and vitamin D | 171272 | Dairy and Egg Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .495 | G | Milk, dry, nonfat, instant, without added vitamin A and vitamin D | 172196 | Dairy and Egg Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .492 | G | Seeds, cottonseed kernels, roasted (glandless) | 170596 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .484 | G | Milk, buttermilk, dried | 171274 | Dairy and Egg Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .475 | G | Spices, parsley, dried | 170930 | Spices and Herbs | sr_legacy_food |
select | .464 | G | Pork, cured, bacon, cooked, microwaved | 168321 | Pork Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .458 | G | Game meat, caribou, cooked, roasted | 173854 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .436 | G | Game meat, rabbit, wild, cooked, stewed | 174348 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .436 | G | Seeds, chia seeds, dried | 170554 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .429 | G | Cheese, romano | 171249 | Dairy and Egg Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .415 | G | T.G.I. FRIDAY'S, classic sirloin steak (10 oz) | 169014 | Restaurant Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | .415 | G | Lamb, shoulder, arm, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/4" fat, choice, cooked, braised | 174331 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .414 | G | Game meat, elk, raw | 175301 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .41 | G | CRACKER BARREL, grilled sirloin steak | 167670 | Restaurant Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | .409 | G | Pork, ground, 96% lean / 4% fat, cooked, pan-broiled | 168375 | Pork Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .408 | G | Beef, round, top round roast, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, roasted | 171771 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .407 | G | Pork, cured, bacon, pre-sliced, cooked, pan-fried | 168322 | Pork Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .407 | G | Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, pancreas, raw | 168273 | Pork Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .405 | G | Beef, round, top round, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised | 170235 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .405 | G | Beef, round, top round, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised | 170236 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .405 | G | Beef, round, eye of round roast, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, roasted | 170635 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .403 | G | Seeds, safflower seed meal, partially defatted | 170559 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .403 | G | Goose, domesticated, meat only, cooked, roasted | 172414 | Poultry Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .403 | G | Game meat, goat, cooked, roasted | 175304 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .402 | G | Beef, round, top round steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled | 168649 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .401 | G | Beef, loin, top sirloin filet, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled | 173050 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .401 | G | Game meat, rabbit, domesticated, composite of cuts, cooked, stewed | 174346 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .4 | G | Duck, young duckling, domesticated, White Pekin, leg, meat only, bone in, cooked without skin, braised | 171113 | Poultry Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .4 | G | Sea lion, Steller, liver (Alaska Native) | 169000 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | .4 | G | Beef, plate steak, boneless, inside skirt, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled | 172138 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .399 | G | Beef, round, top round, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised | 170639 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .399 | G | Beef, round, top round, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised | 170234 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .399 | G | Lamb, Australian, imported, fresh, shoulder, arm, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, cooked, braised | 174420 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .398 | G | Lamb, New Zealand, imported, frozen, shoulder, whole (arm and blade), separable lean only, cooked, braised | 173814 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .398 | G | Cereals ready-to-eat, wheat germ, toasted, plain | 173896 | Breakfast Cereals | sr_legacy_food |
select | .396 | G | Seeds, sesame butter, paste | 170191 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .394 | G | Beef, round, top round steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled | 169471 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .394 | G | Pork, ground, 96% lean / 4% fat, cooked, crumbles | 169193 | Pork Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .394 | G | Lamb, cubed for stew or kabob (leg and shoulder), separable lean only, trimmed to 1/4" fat, cooked, braised | 172509 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .393 | G | Restaurant, family style, sirloin steak | 169016 | Restaurant Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | .393 | G | Seeds, sesame butter, tahini, from unroasted kernels (non-chemically removed seed coat) | 169406 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .391 | G | Spices, fenugreek seed | 171324 | Spices and Herbs | sr_legacy_food |
select | .39 | G | Seeds, watermelon seed kernels, dried | 169407 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .39 | G | Seeds, sesame butter, tahini, from raw and stone ground kernels | 169410 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .39 | G | Chicken, broilers or fryers, breast, meat only, cooked, fried | 171078 | Poultry Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .389 | G | Beef, top loin filet, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, cooked, grilled | 174690 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .388 | G | Seeds, sesame seeds, whole, dried | 170150 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .387 | G | Beef, loin, top loin steak, boneless, lip-on, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, cooked, grilled | 173070 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .387 | G | Beef, round, top round, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, cooked, braised | 168713 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | .386 | G | Chicken, stewing, light meat, meat only, cooked, stewed | 173644 | Poultry Products | sr_legacy_food |