| | | | fdc id | category | data type |
select | 1,917 | UG | Nuts, brazilnuts, dried, unblanched | 170569 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 693 | UG | Sea lion, Steller, liver (Alaska Native) | 169000 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | 421.5 | UG | Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted, without peanuts, with salt added | 169423 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 311.5 | UG | Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, kidneys, cooked, braised | 167860 | Pork Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 274 | UG | Sea lion, Steller, kidney (Alaska Native) | 169001 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | 218.8 | UG | Lamb, variety meats and by-products, kidneys, cooked, braised | 174355 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 208.1 | UG | Spices, mustard seed, ground | 170929 | Spices and Herbs | sr_legacy_food |
select | 194 | UG | Smelt, dried (Alaska Native) | 167654 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | 192 | UG | Egg, white, dried, stabilized, glucose reduced | 170895 | Dairy and Egg Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 190 | UG | Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, kidneys, raw | 168270 | Pork Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 168 | UG | Beef, variety meats and by-products, kidneys, cooked, simmered | 169450 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 154 | UG | Mollusks, oyster, Pacific, cooked, moist heat | 174250 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 147.8 | UG | Fish, cod, Atlantic, dried and salted | 174190 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 144.1 | UG | Turkey, young hen, skin only, cooked, roasted | 171499 | Poultry Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 141 | UG | Beef, variety meats and by-products, kidneys, raw | 169449 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 139.1 | UG | Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted, without peanuts, lightly salted | 169428 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 127.7 | UG | Egg substitute, powder | 173429 | Dairy and Egg Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 126.9 | UG | Lamb, variety meats and by-products, kidneys, raw | 174354 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 125.1 | UG | Egg, white, dried, powder, stabilized, glucose reduced | 173427 | Dairy and Egg Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 123.1 | UG | Cereals ready-to-eat, wheat, puffed, fortified | 173913 | Breakfast Cereals | sr_legacy_food |
select | 123.1 | UG | Cereals ready-to-eat, QUAKER, QUAKER Puffed Wheat | 171669 | Breakfast Cereals | sr_legacy_food |
select | 122 | UG | Sea lion, Steller, heart (Alaska Native) | 169002 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | 121.1 | UG | Egg, whole, dried, stabilized, glucose reduced | 173425 | Dairy and Egg Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 119 | UG | Sea lion, Steller, meat with fat (Alaska Native) | 169824 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | 116.8 | UG | Egg, white, dried, flakes, stabilized, glucose reduced | 173426 | Dairy and Egg Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 116.1 | UG | Lamb, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, pan-fried | 172533 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 113 | UG | Fish, whitefish, dried (Alaska Native) | 168052 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | 111.8 | UG | Sea lion, Steller, meat (Alaska Native) | 169003 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | 111.4 | UG | Lamb, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, braised | 172532 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 108.2 | UG | Fish, tuna, yellowfin, fresh, cooked, dry heat | 172006 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 105.2 | UG | Beef, New Zealand, imported, variety meats and by-products, kidney, cooked, boiled | 173084 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 105 | UG | Lamb, New Zealand, imported, kidney, cooked, soaked and fried | 174439 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 105 | UG | Steelhead trout, dried, flesh (Shoshone Bannock) | 168059 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | 104.4 | UG | Seeds, sunflower seed butter, with salt added (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program) | 168595 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 104.4 | UG | Seeds, sunflower seed butter, without salt | 170155 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 104.2 | UG | Chicken, broilers or fryers, giblets, cooked, fried | 171058 | Poultry Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 103.8 | UG | Fish, salmon, chum, dried (Alaska Native) | 168054 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | 103.3 | UG | Beef, New Zealand, imported, variety meats and by-products, kidney, raw | 174727 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 103 | UG | Whale, beluga, meat, dried (Alaska Native) | 169795 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | 102.3 | UG | Turkey, all classes, liver, cooked, simmered | 171487 | Poultry Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 100.1 | UG | Chicken, roasting, giblets, cooked, simmered | 172397 | Poultry Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 100 | UG | Veal, variety meats and by-products, kidneys, cooked, braised | 174357 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 95 | UG | Chicken, capons, giblets, cooked, simmered | 174466 | Poultry Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 93.6 | UG | Lamb, New Zealand, imported, kidney, raw | 174442 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 92.8 | UG | Fish, whitefish, eggs (Alaska Native) | 167643 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | 91.4 | UG | Beef, variety meats and by-products, spleen, cooked, braised | 170597 | Beef Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 90.8 | UG | Seal, bearded (Oogruk), meat, dried, in oil (Alaska Native) | 168051 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | 90.6 | UG | Fish, tuna, fresh, yellowfin, raw | 175159 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 90.4 | UG | Chicken, stewing, giblets, cooked, simmered | 173642 | Poultry Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 89.6 | UG | Mollusks, cuttlefish, mixed species, cooked, moist heat | 172010 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 89.6 | UG | Mollusks, octopus, common, cooked, moist heat | 174249 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 89.6 | UG | Mollusks, mussel, blue, cooked, moist heat | 174217 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 89.6 | UG | Mollusks, whelk, unspecified, cooked, moist heat | 171984 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 89.4 | UG | Semolina, enriched | 169715 | Cereal Grains and Pasta | sr_legacy_food |
select | 89.4 | UG | Wheat, durum | 169721 | Cereal Grains and Pasta | sr_legacy_food |
select | 88.3 | UG | Fish, roughy, orange, cooked, dry heat | 174251 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 88.3 | UG | Cereals ready-to-eat, UNCLE SAM CEREAL | 174639 | Breakfast Cereals | sr_legacy_food |
select | 88.2 | UG | Chicken, liver, all classes, cooked, pan-fried | 174491 | Poultry Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 87.5 | UG | Beverages, nutritional shake mix, high protein, powder | 174181 | Beverages | sr_legacy_food |
select | 82.4 | UG | Lamb, variety meats and by-products, liver, raw | 172531 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 82.4 | UG | Chicken, liver, all classes, cooked, simmered | 171061 | Poultry Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 81.5 | UG | Wheat, KAMUT khorasan, uncooked | 169743 | Cereal Grains and Pasta | sr_legacy_food |
select | 81.2 | UG | Veal, variety meats and by-products, spleen, cooked, braised | 172541 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 80.4 | UG | Fish, tuna, light, canned in water, without salt, drained solids | 171986 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 80 | UG | Veal, variety meats and by-products, kidneys, raw | 174356 | Lamb, Veal, and Game Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 79.3 | UG | Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dry roasted, without salt | 170563 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 79.3 | UG | Seeds, sunflower seed kernels from shell, dry roasted, with salt added | 169417 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 79.2 | UG | Wheat germ, crude | 168892 | Cereal Grains and Pasta | sr_legacy_food |
select | 78.8 | UG | Noodles, egg, dry, enriched | 169731 | Cereal Grains and Pasta | sr_legacy_food |
select | 78.8 | UG | Noodles, egg, dry, unenriched | 169755 | Cereal Grains and Pasta | sr_legacy_food |
select | 78.2 | UG | Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, oil roasted, with salt added | 168593 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 78.2 | UG | Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, oil roasted, without salt | 170564 | Nut and Seed Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 77.6 | UG | Pasta, whole-wheat, dry (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program) | 169738 | Cereal Grains and Pasta | sr_legacy_food |
select | 77.6 | UG | Wheat bran, crude | 169722 | Cereal Grains and Pasta | sr_legacy_food |
select | 77.5 | UG | Mollusks, oyster, eastern, farmed, cooked, dry heat | 175173 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 77 | UG | Mollusks, oyster, Pacific, raw | 174219 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 76.8 | UG | Pasta, whole grain, 51% whole wheat, remaining enriched semolina, dry (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program) | 172025 | Cereal Grains and Pasta | sr_legacy_food |
select | 76.2 | UG | Fish, rockfish, Pacific, mixed species, cooked, dry heat | 175131 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 76 | UG | Fish, tuna, light, canned in oil, drained solids | 173708 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 76 | UG | Fish, tuna, light, canned in oil, without salt, drained solids | 174227 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 76 | UG | Salmon, red (sockeye), filets with skin, smoked (Alaska Native) | 169813 | American Indian/Alaska Native Foods | sr_legacy_food |
select | 75.1 | UG | Crackers, matzo, whole-wheat | 172742 | Baked Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 73.4 | UG | Fish, mackerel, salted | 168149 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 73.1 | UG | Crustaceans, lobster, northern, cooked, moist heat | 174209 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 72.8 | UG | Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, pancreas, cooked, braised | 168274 | Pork Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 71.1 | UG | Turkey, whole, giblets, cooked, simmered | 171084 | Poultry Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 70.7 | UG | Wheat, hard red spring | 168889 | Cereal Grains and Pasta | sr_legacy_food |
select | 70.7 | UG | Wheat, hard red winter | 168890 | Cereal Grains and Pasta | sr_legacy_food |
select | 70.7 | UG | Cereals, WHEATENA, dry | 171665 | Breakfast Cereals | sr_legacy_food |
select | 70.7 | UG | Cereals, whole wheat hot natural cereal, dry | 171667 | Breakfast Cereals | sr_legacy_food |
select | 70.6 | UG | Fish, tuna, light, canned in water, drained solids (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program) | 173709 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 69.4 | UG | Pasta, whole grain, 51% whole wheat, remaining unenriched semolina, dry | 168915 | Cereal Grains and Pasta | sr_legacy_food |
select | 68.7 | UG | Turkey, all classes, liver, raw | 171486 | Poultry Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 68.5 | UG | Fish, swordfish, cooked, dry heat | 173704 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 68.1 | UG | Fish, anchovy, european, canned in oil, drained solids | 174183 | Finfish and Shellfish Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 68.1 | UG | Goose, liver, raw | 172415 | Poultry Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 67.5 | UG | Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST Shake Mix, high protein, whey powder, 3-2-1 Plan, | 173174 | Beverages | sr_legacy_food |
select | 67.5 | UG | Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, braised | 167863 | Pork Products | sr_legacy_food |
select | 67.3 | UG | Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST Shake Mix, powder, 3-2-1 Plan | 173172 | Beverages | sr_legacy_food |
select | 67 | UG | Duck, domesticated, liver, raw | 174467 | Poultry Products | sr_legacy_food |